ambient royalty free music

Background music is composed in such a way that benefits its utility in video productions and other projects, to be present as an accompaniment to the visual and verbal delivery of information occurring.

Certainly, such music is performing its purpose best when it is felt more than actively heard.
This function generally means it is necessary for the music to adopt a certain unobtrusiveness, to never take the attention away from the script or acting and to simply amplify these things.

Far from being a slight against the music, this means the composer has shaped the track towards its intended purpose, which is often an admirable exercise in restraint.

An unfortunate consequence of performing this function, however, is that the finer parts of the music often go unexamined.
The rich reverb on the main melody line goes unacknowledged, the technical yet tasteful passage that took years of practice to perfect is overlooked, and elegant grace notes seems to have all the impact of the wind from a butterfly’s wings.

Such aspects of this music are to be expected, as it is their function to aid and never dominate. This is natural and even a worthy goal to aim for, as it means the music is performing its purpose well. Yet there is a certain style that takes this one step further – ambient music.

The music track used in this video is "Deep Blue" from album Open spaces .

Ambient music is by its very nature subdued and consequently easy to overlook. It is as unobtrusive as the rise and fall of your breath, of the sound of the wind in the trees and the never-ending trickle of the small river near your childhood home. It is meditative, warming, offering the kind of sound that is never overbearing but eminently welcoming if you want it.

The music track used in this video is "Skyline" from album Dreamland .

When used in video productions, royalty free ambient music marries its natural qualities to the function it is being put to use for. The very nature of the sound is softer, tranquil, washing over you in smooth waves that slowly envelop the mind. It is this subtlety that makes it so well suited to such a diverse range of visual and verbal projects, taking this particular strength of ambiance and pairing it naturally.
Do not let the gentle tones and smooth movements of royalty free ambient music fool you, however, as you can find plenty of emotive depth on offer here. Key changes shift under chiming melodies, giving featherlike yet meaningful movements. This all comes together to create a sound akin to seeing vanilla clouds in an azure sky, gentle and perfect for accompanying a range of video projects.

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This has not been lost on, creating a range of royalty free ambient music releases to suit your needs. Of course among such a sizeable catalogue of music as on the website it can be difficult to identify which releases are best for you. Consequently a number of tracks have been put into a compilation to offer a sample of what is available. So why not have a listen and see how our royalty free ambient music can help you.

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